Jeeto Pasia Reffer Trick | Jeeto Pasia Unlimited Coins | Jeeto Pasia Tricks |

Welcome  Hamza Technical Tv 

So guys in this post how to earn unlimited coins on jeeto pasia app and invite trick app cloning jeeto psaia so guys more information down and if you my youtube video full information


so guys firt open the app and and click the invite option and sent the link on whatsapp and now open the detings and surch app setting and surch the jeeto paisa app and click the for stop and and clear data and next step down read 

so guys next step open the settings and creat fake gmails account and fake facebook accounts and next open the whatsaap and your sherd invite link click me and uto matic open the jeeto pasia app and now singup me your fakr created gmails and singup and next step down read




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                              Jeeto Pasia Reffer Trick | Jeeto Pasia Unlimited Coins | Jeeto Pasia Tricks |               

so guys next step so guys and back  the jeeto pasia app and now again open the settings and again clear data jeeto pasia app and again open the jeeto pasia app and login your real gmail and check out me click the invite option and click the my reffer option and check out your reffer has succsess enjoy and again to agin follow to all before dteps thanks for reading i hope you like my all artical  sorry for my other mistajk and my english is week ok thankx and other informaton my youtube video open the youtube and surch hamza technical tv and pleas visit my channal hamza technical tv hamzaks for reding allah hafiz

so guys if you before this application is note idea so open my youtube cahnnal and i makr full detail video click and watch and start your earning today post reffer trick before post earning ful  details and all methed i telling so pleas open my video and start earning 

                                                          THANKS FOR READING ALLAH HAFIZ
